Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency

Dependable Access Victimization Expense

Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency

DAVE Banner
System Announcements:

This is not the actual DAVE website where you could file a Victim's Compensation claim. This site is used for testing purposes only. To file an actual Victim's Compensation claim

Trouble Logging In? The new Keystone Login Help Desk (877-328-0995) is available to help you with forgotten passwords, migrating to Keystone Login, or other log-in issues. Please capture any login-in error message that may be displayed and contact the Keystone Login Help Desk (877-328-0995) directly. For all other problems, please contact DAVE Support

I am a crime victim

I am a victim or claimant and want to file a claim with the Program or I want to check the status or upload documents for a claim I have already filed.

I am a medical provider

I am a Provider who provided services to a crime victim. I want to check the status of bills that have been submitted for a victim/claimant or I want to file a Forensic Rape Examination Claim. Medical providers should use the Allied Professional Login to upload documents.

I am an allied professional

I am a law enforcement agency, medical provider, therapist, employer, funeral home, etc. and want to upload a document to a claim. Allied professionals must have, or register, for a Keystone Login Account to upload documents. Please go to PA Keystone Login section in this page below.

Funeral Director

Funeral Directors assisting a claimant or filing a claim on their own behalf should contact the Program for further information at (800) 233-2339

Enter your Keystone Login credentials to log in to Dependable Access Victimization Expense
Keystone Login Logo

If you have an existing CWOPA\ or MUSER\ account, you can continue to sign in using that account information.
If you have already signed up for Keystone Login through another state agency’s data-system, please use your Keystone Login information to sign in below.
All other DAVE users who do not have a Keystone Login account should click the Register link below.

Forgot Password?
Forgot UserName?
Not Registered? Register as a new Keystone Login user

Victims can use our Android or iOS PA Crime Victims app to file a claim or check the status of a claim.

Download the PA Crime Victims app

Crime Victims app on App Store Crime Victims app on Google Play

If you prefer to scan and email claim documents, rather than mailing/faxing the documents, you may send the documents to

Please send technical comments and problems to DAVE Support

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